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Showing posts from April, 2020

Ashwashila Capsule: Patanjali Ashwashila Capsule Price, usage, benefits, side effect

Ashwashila Capsule: Capsule Price, usage, benefits, side effect This is of the best product of ayurved and the best part about this is it contains Ashwagandha and Shilajit and we all know how much these products are beneficial for human health because it not only keeps physically healthy it also keeps human mentally healthy too. but there some misconception about this product is it just to strength reproductive parts but that's not complete true yes this product helps to boost reproductive parts but with this these products is very much beneficial for human body with many other purpose. Here i tell you complete details about this patanjali capsule its benefits, price and side effect too also with all this i answer some extra important questions that most of us have. So, begin this with benefits of this patanjali product. Benefits of Ashwashila Capsule It helps to care from any kind of reproductive system in both male and female but for male this product is best to care fro...

Patanjali Shatavari Churna: Benefits, Side Effects, Price

Patanjali Shatavari Churna This is one of the best product of patanjali and this product is beneficial for both male and female and for female is something like one of the best ever product of patanjali. This is from asparagus family and this product also known as Asparagus racemosus. These kind of product are useful for human to care from physical stress and emotional stress too. Here in detail you get complete details about this ayurvedic churna. its benefits, side effect and also i tell you some basic question answer that everyone had before consuming any kind of churna or any new product. so, first start with benefits of this patanjali churna. Benefits of Patanjali Shatavari Churna  It helps feel like female hormones estrogen in female body and that's help to balance all kind of female hormones. And we all know the benefits of estrogen in female body it helps in development and regulation of female reproduction system. If a lady add this in her daily diet routine ...

Swet Musli: Benefits, Usage, Side effects

Swet Musli: Benefits, Usage, Side effects   T his is one of the best product of Ayurveda, Unani and homoepathy not from today from long back ancient time.  In this there is plant call Swet Musli and the bottom part of this plant is of white color that bottom white portion is that portion that will used for prevention of many disease but there a wrong myth about this product is this is only to strength and improve male reproduction system but that's not true because this product is much more than that and you get complete detail about this in this article. So in this article i give complete details about this Ayurvedic product: Benefits, Usage and side effect and with this i answer some general basic question that everyone have. So start this with benefits of this ayurvedic product. Benefits of Swet Musli This product is very beneficial for general debility and weakness. This product also helps to provide good strength and stamina. It also helps from prevent from big d...

Kaunch Beej Powder / Churna: Benefits, Usage and side effect

Kaunch Beej Powder / Churna Kaunch Beej is a seed of Kapikacchu herb. This is one of the best herbal product not from today it's being from long back Ancient time because this will help you to care from many kind of disease but there some misconception about this ayurvedic product Powder / Churna is that this product is to increase human male strength and improve reproductive system of both male and female but that's not true yes it works to improve reproductive system but this product is far much better than this because it helps to care human body from many other kind of disease which we discuss further in this article. One more misconception about this product is this product is this is only for male but that's not true this ayurvedic product is beneficial for both male and female i mentioned this about in detail in benefits. So In this article you get complete detail about Benefits of Kaunch Beej Powder / Churna and it's Side effects / Dangers too and with this i...

Giloy Ghanvati: benefits, side effects

Giloy Ghanvati Giloy Ghanvati is one the best   Ayurvedi c medicine and also this is being one of the most buying product in all products of ayurved and the reason behind this is it's benefits, it's benefit list is too long which i mentioned below in detail and the second reason why this is one of the best product is research says it doesn't shows any big serious side effect too but only if you consume this in limited amount about this i mentioned everything below and also this if for everyone from small child to old person and from beginners to advance which i mentioned in detail below in this article.  So let's start this with its benefits Benefits of Giloy Ghanvati If are suffering from fever than this is one of the best medicine  for you. It also helps to boost your immunity. It also help to increase muscle strength and that's being very good for them who are from bodybuilding this will help them lot if they add this in your daily diet. It has...

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) Steps, Meaning, Benefits and Precautions

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) Steps, Meaning, Benefits and Precautions   Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) Steps, Meaning, Benefits and Precautions Today in this article we talk in detail its Steps, Meaning, Benefits and Precautions we get detail complete knowledge about Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose). This is one of the best simple common exercise that anyone can perform from beginner to advance or from child to old age person and this one exercise helps you to prevent from many disease but with all this benefits there have some side effect also so now know about this exercise in detail first know meaning of this pose. Before we start this i like to tell you whatever we discuss here is my real life experience what i did or what i followed what mistakes i did and what mostly my students did so according to all that i tell you further in detail about this so let's start Meaning of Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) First start with meaning of Bhujamgasana (Cobra Pose) so this word come from the San...

shilajit ke fayde

Shilajit ke fayde (शिलाजीत के फायदे )   Shilajit ke fayde (शिलाजीत के फायदे ) आजकल मनुष्य का जीवन बहुत वयस्त हो गया है | ऐसे में वह अपने शरीर को स्वस्थ और निरोगी रखने के लिए अलग से दवाइओ का सेवन करते है जैसे मल्टीविटामिन (Multivitamin),ओमेगा३ 3 (Omega 3),बी काम्प्लेक्स (B Complex), विटामिन सी (Vitamin C), कैल्शियम (Calcium) और इसके साथ ही वजन घटाने के लिए ग्रीन टी और साथ ही प्रोटीन पाउडर का भी सेवन करते है | और यह बहुत अच्छी चीज है की लोग अपने शरीर के लिए चिंतित है और अच्छे सवास्थ के लिया इतना इतना सब कुछ कर रहे है |  लकिन कैसा हो अगर इतना सब कुछ अलग अलग दवाइयाँ लेने से अच्छा हमारे पास कुछ ऐसा हो की इन सबकी जगहे एक हम उसका इस्तमाल करे की हमे फिर कुछ और अलग से नहीं लेना पड़े और हमारे शरीर की सारी जरूरते भी पूरी हो जाये | आज हम कुछ उसी के बारे में बात करने वाले है |  यह प्रकृति के द्वारा दिया वो उपहार है जिसका इस्तमाल प्राचीन काल से ही भारत में बहुत सारी अलग अलग बीमारी को ठीक करने के लिए हो रहा है तथा शारीरिक और मानसिक शक्ति को बढ़ाने के लिया भी इसका इस्तमाल किया जा...

Kapalbhati pranayama benefits in hindi (कपालभाति प्राणायाम के फयदे )

Kapalbhati pranayama benefits in hindi Kapalbhati pranayama benefits in hindi आज कल की भाग दौड़ भरी ज़िंदगी में मनुष्य इतना व्यस्त है की वो अपने स्वास्थ के ऊपर जयदा ध्यान नहीं दे पता यही वजहें है की मनुष्य आजकल काफी बीमार रहता है और उम्र बढ़ने के साथ साथ वो रोग बढ़ते चले जाते है ऐसे में योग एक ऐसी महत्पूर्ण चीज है जो आपको इन सभी चीजों से दूर रखके और एक सवस्त जीवन प्रदान करता है |  तो जो मै आज आपको यहाँ  जो भी बताउगा वो अपने सच्चे अनुभव के आधार में बताउगा जो मेने देखा है जो मेने सीखा है और जो में अपने students को सिखाता हू | योग अब भारत ही नहीं विश्व भर ने लोग योग के फायदे देख के इसे अपने दिनचर्या में जोड़ रहे है और एक शोध के अनुसार भी जो मनुष्य प्रीतिदिन प्रातः काल योग करता है वो स्वयं ही 90 % बिमारिओ से दूर रहता है | आजकल बड़े से बड़े रोगो का उपचार योग से हो जाता है और विशव भर के वैज्ञानिक भी मानते है की योग से बहुत फयदे है । इसके साथ ही अगर shilajit भी अगर दिन चर्य मे उप्योग मे लेने लगे तो इसके फ़य्दे दोगुना हो जाते है । तो आज बात करते है योग में सबसे प्रसिद्ध कपाल...