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Giloy Ghanvati: benefits, side effects

Giloy Ghanvati

Giloy Ghanvati is one the best Ayurvedic medicine and also this is being one of the most buying product in all products of ayurved and the reason behind this is it's benefits, it's benefit list is too long which i mentioned below in detail and the second reason why this is one of the best product is research says it doesn't shows any big serious side effect too but only if you consume this in limited amount about this i mentioned everything below and also this if for everyone from small child to old person and from beginners to advance which i mentioned in detail below in this article. 

Giloy Ghanvati: benefits and side effects

So let's start this with its benefits

Benefits of Giloy Ghanvati
  • If are suffering from fever than this is one of the best medicine  for you.
  • It also helps to boost your immunity.
  • It also help to increase muscle strength and that's being very good for them who are from bodybuilding this will help them lot if they add this in your daily diet.
  • It has anti inflammatory properties, it reduces muscle pain.
  • The best part about this is from first day you see some improvement.You feel energetic through out your full day. 
  • Also many people wants to loss weight for them this is one best ayurvedic product for you. 
  • It helps to increase appetite.
  • It also helps to make liver healthy and also care from jaundice, hepatitis and other liver disorders.
  • It also helps to care from big serious disease like Swine Flu.
  • Also helps in care from dengue.
  • Also if you suffering form chikungunya than this patanjali product is best for you.
  • It also helps in care from periodic fever. 
  • It helps clearing excess uric acid of body via urine and helps to cure arthritis and gout.
  • Also now a survey says around 1 part of 11 adult population they have diabetes and that big problem can be care by this medicine too.
  • It increases the urine output and reduces body toxins.
  • It helps purifying blood and thus helps reducing skin diseases and itching.
  • If someone have too much cough and cold than this will help you lot to care from this.
  • Most people have some allergy problem for this they always been tensed also for this treatment they pay very high amount to skin doctor but after all this you didn't get result for them i suggest you to add this product in your routine this will definitely help you.
  • It helps to regulate the blood sugar level.
  • Some have less number of platelets count that will cause chance of problem like dengue so this will also helps to increase platelets count too.
  • Now people are busy in their life due to this they can't do take care of their health they doesn't consumes important nutrients and vitamins that will cause them some problem for them also this is one best important medicine.
  • People consumes many multivitamins tablets some protein powder some omega tablets that's good for health but you take all this separately how if there something like one dose in which you get all this essential nutrients that is this patanjali product with one dose you get all those important nutrients.
  • How people are much take care of their skin and in any problem doctor charges high amount so i highly suggest add this in your diet because this will help you to care from all kind of skin related problem.
  • Also if you have any problem to urine this is something for people being tensed if they face any unusual thing and doctor charges very high amount for this. So for them this is best medicine this will help you to care from all kind of urine problem.
Giloy Ghanvati: benefits and side effects

Side Effect/ Dangers of Giloy Ghanvati

As per studies there so no any serious side effect of this if you consume this is proper and limited manner but if you consume this in more according to need than definitely it will cause some effect on you.
  • This is very beneficial medicine that helps lot to prevent from many disease but there some side effect also but these are due in some cases Giloy can cause constipation. not everyone feel like constipation but some case in which person feel constipation after consuming this So do not take it regularly for more than days and to overcome this problem drink plenty of water than you not feel constipation and feel relax.
  • It reduces blood sugar level. So if you are a diabetic person or you have a low sugar level you should consult your doctor before taking this medicine.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers are not advised to take this medicine.
Now some common question that everyone have before consume Giloy Ghanvati
About Giloy Ghanvati Tablets
In tablet this is being in present in 40gm and this will cost Rs 90 and first of all before you consume this first check it is seal closed.

How to consume Giloy Ghanvati?

you can consume this tablet with boiled water we all know benefits of boil water so consuming this with boil water give more quick and good result.

How to consume tablet this is common question that everyone want to know?

For children who are below 12 year old for them half tablet at morning and half tablet at night.
and if you are above 12 year old than consume this one tablet at morning and one tablet at night.

So about Giloy Ghanvati i say this is one of the best patanjali product and i would suggest you to add this in your daily routine and consume according as i mentioned above because it have very much beneficial for human body and by adding this in your routine it will helps you to care from many diseases which i mentioned above in "benefits of Giloy Ghanvati" and also it doesn't have any side effect too but still if you suffering from many diseases and taking medicine than i would suggest ask your doctor first.

So, that's in for Giloy Ghanvati hope you get your every question answer here.


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