Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) Steps, Meaning, Benefits and Precautions
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) Steps, Meaning, Benefits and Precautions
Today in this article we talk in detail its Steps, Meaning, Benefits and Precautions we get detail complete knowledge about Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose). This is one of the best simple common exercise that anyone can perform from beginner to advance or from child to old age person and this one exercise helps you to prevent from many disease but with all this benefits there have some side effect also so now know about this exercise in detail first know meaning of this pose.
Before we start this i like to tell you whatever we discuss here is my real life experience what i did or what i followed what mistakes i did and what mostly my students did so according to all that i tell you further in detail about this so let's start
Meaning of Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
First start with meaning of Bhujamgasana (Cobra Pose) so this word come from the Sanskrit "Bhujanga" here 'Bhujanga' means 'Snake' and 'Asana' means 'posture' that's why this prayanama also know as Cobra Pose. This is simple stretching exercise of front torsa and the spine. This posture looks like cobra that has its hood raised. There are 12 poses of Surya Namaskar and this is 8th position of them.
Now in Steps, Meaning, Benefits and Precautions we first discuss about how to perform this prayanama.
Steps of Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
This prayanama can be performed in 4 steps
- First Lie down on the stomach with chin touching ground and keep knee straight and your toe touching the ground. Hands are at shoulder level and keep palms on floor.
- Now slowly lift upper body slowly don't stretch too much otherwise it will effect your lower back and also keep your elbow bend don't make it straight.
- Now hold at this posture for minimum 20 to 30 seconds.
- Now slowly slowly come back to original position by exhaling.
And perform this 2 time more or say 3 set of Bhujamgasana (Cobra Pose) is good enough for human body.
When do this yoga or prayanama ? this is the question that everyone thinks before begin this or any prayanama that's why i specially mentioned this in bold letters
Always perform this yoga prayanama at morning time this is the best time to perform this exercise to get quick result at empty stomach but it doesn't mean you can't perform this exercise at evening like some of my students have very tight schedule they work late at night for them it's not possible to wake up early in the morning for them i would suggest you can do this exercise at evening also but don't consume anything in 4 to 6 hours before doing this exercise but if it's possible to wake up early than do this exercise at morning at empty stomach.
Precautions for Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
- this is not for pregnant women.
- when you do this yoga or prayanama don't put much pressure on lower back otherwise it will cause you back pain.
- if you are suffering from Hernia that don't do this.
- if you are suffering from Ulcer that don't do this.
- also if you have Stomach operation in past 3 months than don't do this.
- if you stretch too much your back than there may be chances than you have lower back pain.
- If you consumes or eat anything before doing this prayanama than you feel like vomiting.
- if you have serious spinal injury than this exercise is not for you.
- If you regularly perform this exercise than it will help to care from back pain .
- It helps to reduce stomach fat.
- It helps to boost human immune system.
- Also helps from constipation.
- It helps from all the problems related to respiratory system.
- If your life is too much stress full always be in tension than this is good for you it helps you to come out of this stress life and you fell relax.
- this exercise direct target spine so that will make spine strong and more flexible.
- it helps to be feel relax and you enjoy your full day and feel energetic whole day.
- it helps to improve your blood circulation and that will help your to look pretty by glowing your face. So we can say this helps for glowing skin
- if you always been too much tensed than it will cause your hair fall too so but if you do this yoga pose than you will fell relax or we can say that this prayanama also indirectly prevent from hair loss problem. These are some problems in which you think too much pay very high fee to doctor even can't get result so add this in your definitely you get result without pay any anything.
- if you suffering asthma than this is one of the best exercise that you can perform.
- It tones abdomen muscles.
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